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Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility


At Mon Cheri, we believe in more than just beauty and elegance; we believe in responsibility.
Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) framework is at the core of every decision and action. Mon Cheri is committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity across all operations. This commitment ensures we deliver exquisite products and positively impact our global community and environment.


Ethical Sourcing and Production
We rigorously ensure that our operations and those of our partners are transparent and adhere to the strictest ethical standards. Mon Cheri's sourcing and production processes are carefully monitored to ensure they are free from forced and child labor. We achieve this through comprehensive audits, ongoing supplier assessments, and mandatory compliance training for all stakeholders in our supply chain.


Employee Education and Engagement
Education is power, so we invest heavily in employee training programs. These programs focus on human rights, ethical labor practices, and our corporate policies that support these areas. By empowering our employees with this knowledge, we foster an organizational culture prioritizing integrity and vigilance against unethical practices.


Supply Chain Transparency
Mon Cheri is dedicated to ensuring that every step in our supply chain, from raw materials to finished products, meets our high ethical standards. We work closely with suppliers to ensure they share our values and commitment to human rights. Each key supplier must sign an attestation aligning with our corporate responsibility philosophy, thus extending our ethical practices throughout our supply chain.


Sustainability and Environmental Impact
Our responsibility extends to environmental stewardship. Mon Cheri actively minimizes our environmental impact through sustainable practices, including using eco-friendly materials and optimizing operational efficiencies.


Stakeholder and Community Engagement
We believe in the power of community and regularly engage with various stakeholders to drive positive social change. Through partnerships, dialogue, and community initiatives, we strive to make a meaningful difference in the communities where we operate.

Commitment to Continuous Improvement
Our journey towards sustainability and ethical responsibility is ongoing. We are committed to continuous improvement, regularly evaluating our practices and impact. Our efforts are documented and transparent, available to all stakeholders in our annual compliance and sustainability report.


Join Us in Our Journey
We invite our customers, partners, and stakeholders to learn more about our CSR initiatives and join us in making a positive impact. Together, we can create a beauty legacy that stands for integrity and responsibility.

Click here to view our Annual Compliance Report on Forced Labor and Child Labor in Supply Chains